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Dec 17-18, 2019 time lapse plus star trails

This comes to an abrupt end because the lens warmer drained my battery pack around 4:15am MST, before first light. I have a significantly larger battery arriving soon, with more outlets so I can simultaneously power my camera, a lens warmer and a tracking mount (currently I’m limited by outlets to either lens warmer or mount but not both).

Dec 13-14, 2019 time lapses

A storm moved in, but I still caught some stars and Venus at sunset.
The clouds mostly obscured the Geminid meteors, but still made for an interesting show under the nearly full moon. This is another very long video, 4+ minutes. Counting images from the sunset time lapse I posted earlier, I acquired a total of 10,101 images between Dec 13, 2019 3:42pm MST – Dec 14, 2019 7:05am MST (15+ hours) and completely filled a 128GB memory card. This video contains 7,979 of those images, acquired over 11.5 hours.

Dec 11-12, 2019 time lapses

Time lapse of the full moon setting over Tres Piedras, New Mexico, USA
First, the moon rises. Then rainbow colors refracted by frost on the lens (saving battery by not using lens warmer). Then a couple meteors. Then Starlink satellites before dawn. Then the glorious dawn.