Category Archives: Posts

Feb 2-3, 2020 time lapses and astrophotography

First quarter moon
Orion Nebula, first try.
I shot for an hour and almost every frame had Starlink satellites in it. This is a composite of only frames with multiple satellites (some frames had 5+). There are two trains of Starlinks, one left and above, one right of Orion nebula. The long streak at the bottom is not Starlink.

Feb 1-2, 2020 time lapses and Sandhill crane video

Sandhill cranes in February
Peggy Pond Church

And on and on they came
through the pale afternoon,
long strands and ribbons,
arcs and curving wedges
hieroglyphs in motion,
staves of music.

We looked upward again and again and again and saw them flying
and as they flew they called to one another
the call sounded
through these myriad throats like the voice of a single being
half angel half bird
a wind sound, a water sound,
a sound as golden as honey.
We listened and felt ourselves enchanted beyond mortal sense.

All afternoon the sky was our dancing ground.
The long song rose and fell
the convergent lines formed circles.
We were children again in a ring around a rosy
immersed in a mystery.
In the end we must all fall down
and down
in a slow spiral out of heaven
and be ourselves again

earth and our stolid bodies claimed us.
We leaned against stones
the white clouds were slate clean.
On either side of the cliffs were voiceless sandstone.
All afternoon the cranes kept flying over
aligning themselves with the music

As the sound ebbed we spoke wistfully of dying
when our time came into such ecstasy

Jan 28-29, 2020 time lapses

Waxing crescent moon and Venus shining bright.
Nice cloud iridescence just a little later.
I left it on Aperture priority while we had a soak at Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort & Spa so there are some time slips when the moon disappears behind clouds.
A small storm system is passing through today. No accumulation is expected.