Category Archives: Posts

Change is What We Are

My favorite verses from one of the best Puscifer songs.

Righteous are those
Who look up and sway with the wind,
Who look down and dance with the shifting of the soil,
Who swim with the movement of the tides


Who seek the truth around them
And discover that we are,
And have always been, in paradise.
The reflections of heaven on earth.”


And she spoke again saying
“Know, my child,
That there is no devil seekin’
To cause guilt in the hearts to men.


No evil, save blind faith, ignorance,
And the desire for the unprepared
To blame others for the devastation
Left in the wake of change

May 22, 2020

On Monday

It was the nine of diamonds
soiled and stained
at the end of my path

Today the ten of clubs
just as dirty

I dipped it in the coal creek and
gave thanks

One more card still lies
face down on the other side of the fence

Am I playing blackjack or go fish?

May 19, 2020

I have undergone a dramatic transformation in the last six weeks. I’m currently separated from my wife and have moved out of our home in Tres Piedras, New Mexico. I may be returning in the fall. For the foreseeable future my opportunities for photography and time-lapse videography are considerably diminished. I will still share what I create when I can.

May 18, 2020

In the dawn sky

the old moon
wrapped in pink silk

an owl watches silently by the bridge

a pair of geese pass over

then a heron in the distance

the incessant din of morning birdsong
the incessant din of distant traffic
like my mind

under it all, the creek murmurs

before it is over–a hawk, a mallard, a robin
snatching a worm from the sidewalk
right in front of me

finally back to asphalt, a dove
mourning on the lamp post

Morning dew on evening primrose